FLYght One
FLYght One is the worlds first UV-LED Insect Light
Trap of its kind that relies on UV-A and bioVE+
coating to attract flies.

FLYght Duo
FLYght Duo is our second UV-LED Insect Light Trap that also uses UV-A and bioVE+ coating to attract flies.
AedesX Smart Gravitrap
A patented mosquito gravitrap to manage disease transmitting Aedes mosquitoes.

RodeXit Proofing Strip
Easy to install, durable and cost effective rodent proofing strip with stainless steel wires.
Trece Storgard Insect Monitoring Systems is the world’s leading product range to detect and estimate
stored product insect pests (SIPs).

SPP Diamond Trapp Moth
SPP Diamond Trapp is a moth pest monitoring device to detect almond moths, raisin moths, and warehouse moths when used with appropriate pheromone lures.