AedesX Smart Gravitrap

Parameter | Measurement with units or type |
Product | AedesX Smart Gravitrap |
Target pest | Aedex aegypti |
Light Source | Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) |
Power Source | 4 AA batteries |
Height | 310.6 mm. |
Weight | 755 gm. With batteries |
Diameter of canopy | 176 mm. |
Volume of Kill Zone | 2000 ml. |
Colour | Black |
Material used in body | Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) |
Frequency of Operation Cycle | Once every forty eight (48) hours |
Operating Temperature range | 0 to 50 C |
Operating range (effective over) | 400 sq. m. |
You do not need a plug for power supply as it runs on four AA batteries.
After you unbox your AedesX, place four new AA batteries into the battery compartment to start its first one-minute Operation Cycle. During that cycle, while the valve is open, fill the Attraction and Kill Zones with aged water till brim to prepare your AedesX for use.
When you insert new batteries, the trap will start its first Operation Cycle automatically to ensure users fill up the Attraction and Kill Zones with aged water before they deploy it.
We recommend placing one AedesX every 400m2 area or 10 metres apart. Depending on its mosquito population, you may customise the number of AedesX traps to suit your site’s mosquito management strategy. The most optimal trap position is the one that mimics or resembles mosquito breeding and resting habitats and diverts female mosquitoes to lay eggs inside the AedesX’s Attraction Zone.
The Operation Cycle repeats every 48 hours at night.
To manually trigger an Operation Cycle, simply press the Reset Switch next to the battery cover for 5 seconds.
Every 48 hours at night, the AedesX initiates an Operation Cycle by opening the Kill Zone valve and switching on the LED lights to force mosquito larvae in the Attraction Zone to move into the Kill Zone below. After one minute, Operation Cycle ends, the valve closes, and the lights turn off, trapping the mosquito larvae inside Kill Zone. As there is limited or no oxygen in the Kill Zone, mosquito larvae die there by asphyxiation.
You can observe dead larvae by unscrewing the bottom compartment or Kill Zone from the Attraction Zone funnel and the LED lights at the trap’s top. After your inspection, ensure you screw back the Kill Zone to the upper part securely and firmly to prevent water or oxygen leakage.
AedesX is an effective solution against mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases by asphyxiating mosquito larvae in it. However, we encourage pest management professionals (PMPs) to customize their AedesX trap usage to suit their mosquito management programs. PMPs must ensure that the pesticides or other tools they use comply with local pesticide regulations. Also, we suggest that PMPs use non-repellent pesticides so that the AedesX continues to attract female mosquitoes to lay eggs in it.
You can inspect your AedesX unit at your convenience throughout the monsoon and top it up with aged water if you find that the water level in Attraction Zone is low.
Though AedesX design limits entry of leaves, twigs and other objects, if you find them inside the Attraction Zone during inspection, remove such debris to allow the valve and LED to operate smoothly during the Operation Cycle.
The battery LED indicator flashes blue continuously if there is sufficient battery power when you tap the reset switch. If the batteries are low, the battery LED indicator will blink and that is when you should change the trap’s batteries.
A blinking battery indicator is alerting you that it is time to change to new batteries. For battery replacement, first remove the water from the Attraction Zone and Kill Zones and clean the unit by gently wiping or scrubbing its inner and outer surfaces. After you reassemble your AedesX trap when you replace the old batteries with new ones, the trap will automatically run its first Operation Cycle for one minute to allow you to refill water in the Attraction and Kill Zones.
We have sourced and modified the answers to the questions 1-13 below from the Asiatic Speciality Products (ASP)AedesX Smart Gravirap User Manual. In case a reader needs further clarification of the content, we refer them to the original document for better understanding and final word on the matter.