Singapore’s Pestroniks Innovations Pte. Ltd. (Pestroniks) is a global leader in the field formed by the intersection of intelligent electronics and pest management.
The first generation ILTs: When the first-generation ILTs (fly-killers) appeared for sale in the United States about a century ago, they had an electric grid to electrocute insects attracted by the traps’ ultra-violet (UV) light emission. Such traps, available even in 2023, have been in use hung from the ceiling or mounted on walls by the users.
The second generation ILTs: After some decades of the first-generation ILTs, manufacturers introduced the second-generation traps (fly-catchers) in which insects attracted by the UV would get stuck on glueboards. Fly-catchers also attracted insects through UV emission but trapped such insects on a glueboard.
ILT manufacturers introduced a range of wall-mounted fly-catchers. They could customize the units for public areas to make the traps appear like light sources rather than housefly trapping devices.
For nearly a century after fly killers appeared in pest control, introducing fly-catchers was the only major change in the ILT segment in capturing insects attracted to the device.
The third generation ILTs: Only in the 21st century did another change occur in ILTs – with manufacturers switching to UV LEDs instead of fluorescent tubes common in fly killers and fly-catchers.
UV LED ILTs are the third generation of the category in which the LED light source overcomes two principal limitations of UV fluorescent tube ILTs. First, UV LED ILTs consume less than 2/3rds of low-power fluorescent tube ILTs, and as LEDs last longer, there is no need for annual light source replacement in UV LED ILTs.
One of the first product categories that Pestroniks researched in the past few years was ILTs – which have not evolved much over a century since their advent in the twentieth century.
Pestroniks launches the FLYght ILT range: Pestroniks introduced the FLYght One in 2020 and the FLYght Duo in 2021 to become the first brand to launch domestically manufactured UV LED ILT in India.
Pestroniks is a “Make-In-India” proponent which manufactures the FLYght One and FLYght Duo at Mysuru in the southern-Indian state of Karnataka.
A few global ILT manufacturers have used UV LEDs in their ILTs. However, UV LED ILTs are still evolving, with trap makers using different approaches in their design for maximizing housefly catches.
Pestroniks’ unique bio-VE+ patented technology: Pestroniks distinguishes its FLYght UV LED ILT range using patented bio-visual (bio-VE+) enhancer technology. Further, Pestroniks makes metallic traps sturdier and long-lasting than the traps with plastic housing that other brands produce.
The FLYght range is unique from other UV LED ILTs in the market.
Top ten reasons to choose the FLYght Duo ILT: Following are the top ten reasons why we want customers to choose the FLYght Duo ILT over other brands.
The accompanying video illustrates each of the reasons visually. In addition, it helps you better understand the FLYght Duo’s features and its ability to trap houseflies as part of an integrated fly management program.
- Bio-visual (bio-VE)+ enhancer for housefly attraction: The FLYght Duo has a patented bio-visual enhancer (VE)+ board that improves housefly attraction by enhancing UV-A intensity and wavelength. In nature, solar UV rays falling on carnivorous plants make them emit a blue glow to attract insects which the plants use as their food and energy source.
Pestroniks have mimicked the FLYght Duo copying carnivorous plants by designing the trap’s bio-VE+ board to reflect UV from the LEDs as a blue glow having UV rays in the range and intensity that strongly attract houseflies.
FLYght ILTs are the only range in the market with unique bio-VE+ technology.
- Enormous power savings: FLYght Duo traps save up to 80% on electricity compared to 30-watt and 45-Watt UV fluorescent tube traps, as illustrated below. As a result, FLYght trap customers recover their investment in their insect light traps in 3.3 years compared to 3-tube ILTs and in 7 years compared to 2-tube ILTs.

- Significant savings on annual tube replacement costs: The FLYght Duo’s eight UV LEDs do not need a replacement for 50,000 hours, saving on annual tube replacement costs unlike in conventional ILTs.
- Constant UV output during LED life of 50,000 hours: Pestroniks assures FLYght Duo customers of its trap’s LEDs lasting at least 50,000 hours and generating constant UV output.
Unlike UV fluorescent tubes, whose UV output reduces significantly (approximately 10% each month in most brands), FLYght Duo LEDs generate constant UV throughout their 50,000-hour life.
- “No-glass” to meet glass policy standards: The FLYght Duo is intrinsically glass-free and meets food safety glass policy standards as it generates light through eight glass-free UV LEDs.
In contrast to the FLYght, UV fluorescent tube ILTs need glass sleeves to make the tubes shatterproof. However, plastic sleeves around UV fluorescent tubes reduce the UV emission intensity and impact the fly-catching ability of the ILTs with such tubes.
- Most suited ILT for small spaces: The FLYght Duo is sleek, lightweight, compact, and ideal for tight spaces as its dimensions of Length x Width x Height – 510 x 270 x 95 mm and weight of just 1.75 kg. make it the smallest and lightest trap in its range. All FLYght Duo customers are pleasantly surprised by its low weight when they first handle the trap.
- Attractive metal body for trap display in front-of-house areas: The FLYght Duo has an attractive aluminum body which makes it ideal for public areas like hotel reception, stores, bakeries, cafes & restaurants.
Unlike many other unattractive ILTs available in the market, the FLYght Duo stands out by its attractive appearance that melds into front-of-house business spaces.
- Configured for universal glue boards: Pestroniks has configured the FLYght Duo for universal glue boards, which are easily available everywhere. As a result, FLYght Duo customers can easily purchase their traps’ inexpensive glueboards.
- Discreet trapping of houseflies: Houseflies attracted by the bio-VE+ board of the FLYght Duo are trapped when they stick to its discreetly placed glue board inside and are visible from outside. A common problem with most fly-catchers is that the houseflies and other filth flies they trap are easily visible to viewers, which is not true with the FLYght Duo.
- Unique entry holes to maximize housefly entry: Pestroniks has extensive experience in ILT design which it deploys in its FLYght ILT range. After experimenting with numerous trap designs, including horizontal slits, round holes, and hexagonal entry holes, Pestroniks opted for hexagonal entry holes in the FLYght Duo to increase housefly entry for maximizing catch.
We are sure that our blog post has convinced you about the unique features of the Pestroniks FLYght Duo UV LED Insect Light Trap. Since we launched this ILT globally in 2021, we have had fast adoption of this amazing product by the pest control industries of different markets worldwide.
Through the efforts of our national and regional distributors, we have also succeeded in hastening the adoption of UV LED technology among users of pest control services and products.
We are confident that our two-series videos that summarise FLYght Duo features and demonstrate the quick maintenance of the trap will further accelerate FLYght Duo adoption globally.
Please get in touch with us if you need more information on the FLYght Duo.